Faye Turns Ten: At The Stables Again

"I just want a simple birthday at the stables again and this time, no guests. I remember the last time I could not fully enjoy myself because I had to take care of everyone's needs of wanting to go riding or swimming or this and that. I did not even get to enjoy the birthday cake because I was in a rush to do what everyone wanted to do. I really wanted to just sit and eat my cake. I didn't even eat my birthday cake mommy! This time, I just want to take my time and spend time with the horses." Faye shared her birthday wishes to me months before she turned ten.

Sure! I think that sounds absolutely wonderful and mature. Let's do this for you.

How coincidental that her birthday falls on the day of Parent Teacher Meeting, which means no school! We planned her day out and decided to make it a weekend long celebration which included a 3D2N stay at the stables. How cool is it that the riding club has hotel rooms for staycays! We locked that in plus riding, grooming, feeding and anything horse-related. 

A decade worth celebrating. 

I vividly recall how I got the green light from my gynae to go on a one day home leave on 17th May 2014. I told her I had been a real good girl, breaking no rules and fulfilled my full bed rest in hospital leading up to Faye's arrival. It had been a month since I admitted into the hospital for monitoring.

“Can I go out for just one day to do my maternity shoot?” I had it all arranged, pulling out all my cards and contacting friends in the industry to help put it together on a last minute basis. My dress, the venue and a pony, all bought and booked!

Because Faye will be born in the Year of the Horse, I decided to do a shoot of my bump with a pony in a ranch. 

It did not happen. 

On the evening of 16th May 2014, I started having contractions and was sent to the delivery ward. In a couple of hours, we welcomed Faye into our arms on the day of my maternity shoot. Those photos and memories did not materialise. 

Fast forward 10 years, I decided to re-enact the moment I missed. With so much more meaning to it now especially when she has become a rider herself. Shot by Android in Boots, here’s her and her white horse, Keepsake, for keepsakes.

I try to make every birthday gift a meaningful one. Titled “Simple Reminders”, I wanted to pass a message to my daughter for her 10th birthday to remind her about how happiness can be achieved by doing herself right. 

Page 1: “If you are right, do not waste time proving to everyone even if it means you rather stand up on your bed to sleep” (Stay true to yourself girl and you only have yourself to answer to) 

Page 2: “If you are wrong, do not waste time pretending to be right. Plucking flowers and eating them is just not right” (Do not make excuses for the wrong you’ve done) 

Page 3: “If you need help, do not waste time asking for it even when you are afraid of getting scolded for making a mess” (It keeps you strong and helps you rise up to whatever challenges you are facing) 

Page 4: “Life is too short, do not waste time on sadness and negativity” (A lifetime may seem so far away but it will be gone in a jiffy. Live, Love, Laugh!) 

I was a hundred percent in doubt of myself on the deliverance of this year’s birthday short story because horses are so difficult to illustrate. I am not loving this drawings a whole lot but I think, to my ten year old, it should mean the World! 

Last year, she requested for a pretty cake and we got a chiffon husky baked for her. This year, "Oh and I don't need a specially baked cake. Just a simple Black Forest Cake will do." she added with love.

Read Faye's other Birthday Celebrations:
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A stay at home mum, blogging to widen her social life. 
We want to echo the sound of love through our lives to inspire other mothers alike.


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