Ewan Turns Ten: Ninja Warrior Singapore Edition!
Hey you! We’ve crossed a decade you and I [and daddy]! Ten seasons with you had been nothing but joyful. Well, of course we had crossfires but in totality, it had been Ninjafully Awesome! I would want this life with you all over again cause you are such a boy with a heart of empathy which makes us all go "Awwwww".
Celebrating a milestone year like this exemplified how quickly life passes us by, especially in a world with Internet. People no longer wait a week to communicate through a letter. We accomplish so much in a day, it feels unreal! That is why a decade seems to come much faster than it had been before.
We must treasure.
Treasure the childish, the emotional, the innocence and the contagious laughter you are still bringing us even at this age. Well of course, we all hope you'd continue to be the happy fella who sees the cup half full all the time because negativities aren't worth your time.
Is TEN a Tween? In no time, I’d need to pick up conversational skills to speak to a teen. Please be kind to mama when you hit puberty!
You decided on a Ninja Warrior theme for this birthday and your cake is too cool! Something fun to extend your childhood a little longer because in no time, you'd be a teenager.
I only confirmed your birthday cake just two weeks before your birthday. Before that, I was still clueless about your day's events and I am stoked to have found a home baker to build this amazing Piñata cake for you! It was really pricey and while I convinced myself, "It's a milestone birthday. Let's just do it!", daddy on the other hand was adamant we don't splurge on a mere cake.
We asked you for your opinion and told you it was two hundred whopping dollars! In a heartbeat, without giving another thought or two, you went, "I will love it. Let me pay for it!"
As it was our first time ordering from Adonai Bakery House, we could not visualise the size and I was a little worried we wouldn't have enough to feed 10 kids. I was also worried about how the cake would look like because all our past birthday cakes go through a detailed discussion of how I'd like it to turn out. This time, it was all based out of trust but looks like my worry was uncalled for.
Truth be told, technically difficult-to-bake cakes that win full marks for aesthetics leave a bad impression on taste. This one's a big surprise for us all! Even I, who do not usually fancy cake, gave this Chocolate Biscoff Crumbs a Ten out of Ten! The piñata was made of chocolate and the big reveal inside after all the hammering was rather impressive! It was made fresh on that morning and I can only be so very grateful the baker at Adonai Bakery House took my order at such short notice.
"Can I have one more serving?" asked ALL the girls at the party!
Thankfully, Ninja crafts ain’t too difficult to put together. A few obstacle courses at home to start the day and YouTube tutorial on “How to fold a Shuriken origami” had us going. Your cousins and sister were so sweet to make you a boxful of paper Shurikens and Kunais too! Always remember the kindness you receive and the love they've always showered you with.
Although the origami Shuriken requires square paper, I only had rectangular ones to play around with. So I cut them into halves and made them into squares. There were two small rectangles left after all the cutting [if you can visualise that]. Instead of having them go to waste, I pasted them together [paste three small rectangular pieces together to make it sturdier] and crafted a Ninja bookmark for each of his friends and cousins!
Loving how you [still] found my games enjoyable and Ninja-ed his way around the house, avoiding my “attacks” as I laser-pointed him with this new birthday present he received.
Every birthday is a YES DAY and Faye naturally benefited from it. She had a swell time and did my course really well! She is the real ninja! She touched no painter’s tape in our corridor while Gypsie and you crashed through it.
As our children age, friends become an integral part of their lives. When once they needed only daddy and mommy, they now would love to spend the day with their buddies. At age ten, you did not request for daddy and I to not be at Bounce with you. In fact, you welcomed us to join you on the trampolines! I wonder when will you ask for us to sit out of your birthday parties with your friends. Awww... that day will come sooner and that will be the time I picked up some good conversational skills to speak to that teenage you.
But for now, I had an enjoyable time witnessing all of your joys as I snap pictures after pictures!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY BOY! The one who gave his heart center a little thought and concluded that his center is e.m.p.a.t.h.y.
Read Ewan's other Birthday Celebrations:
- First Birthday, 2013
- Second Birthday, 2014
- Third Birthday, 2015
- Fourth Birthday, 2016
- Fifth Birthday, 2017
- Sixth Birthday, 2018
- First Birthday, 2013
- Second Birthday, 2014
- Third Birthday, 2015
- Fourth Birthday, 2016
- Fifth Birthday, 2017
- Sixth Birthday, 2018
- Seventh Birthday, 2019
- Eighth Birthday, 2020
- Ninth Birthday, 2021
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A stay at home mum, blogging to widen her social life.
We want to echo the sound of love through our lives to inspire other mothers alike.
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