Travel with Disney and SMRT
In the News: Disney Rides, SMRT-Style on Channel News Asia
In my opinion as a mommy, the best mode of transport to get to anywhere in Singapore is via our MRT trains.
In my opinion as a mommy, the best mode of transport to get to anywhere in Singapore is via our MRT trains.
(1) Train stations are wheels-friendly (strollers and wheelchairs)
(2) Trains are affordable
(3) Buses do not allow you to fold your strollers
(4) Cabbing is expensive
(5) We live right next to the train station
If there was a train fault, which we've never experienced before, let it be our little adventure for the day. We should never live a life in a hurry especially with children. Enjoy and take pleasure in the journey.
Today, unlike others, we got acquainted with storm troopers on board the train! For the Star Wars fan, here's a cabin all ready for epic space selfies. While waiting for the doors to be opened at the media launch of an 18-month collaboration between SMRT and Disney, I saw a life-size storm trooper standing at attention in the cabin. I believed whole-heartedly that it was a statue but was delightfully surprised to see it moving! It was a mascot!
My favourite cabin was the one featuring The Avengers! It was an empty cabin compared to Star Wars and Frozen. It didn't take more than 2 minutes for everyone to point all their cameras at Faye and captured a series of action-packed pictures mommy was putting her up for! I could go on and on but there was one more cabin to view. The most popular Disney blockbuster of 2013 - Frozen.
Do you want to build a Snowman? Or ride a bike across the hall? This cabin was so crowded I was reluctant to walk into it. Besides, I am a little sick of frost-bites with all these Let It Gos. *hahah* Whoops! But but but! There are these little girls that came dressed as Ana and Elsa that looked absolutely adorable! We had the badges *winks* Faye got herself a picture with Mr Rob Gilby, Managing Director of The Walt Disney Company (Southeast Asia) and Ms Dawn Low, Managing Director of SMRT's commercial arm.
Mr Gilby shared, "We thought, if you bring the two together, then you get a really enjoyable experience for everybody. For example, when Cinderella the movie is in theatres in March, we will synchronise it such that you go to the movies and see the movie, come out, then you come on to the SMRT train and you’re still with Cinderella wherever you go."
Right after we were done with the media session, the train took passengers immediately. Did you step into one today? I am thankful we are living right on the Circle Line. Ewan will be most delighted.
Do join the Disney & SMRT contest which ends on 31 December 2014.
(1) Tell us who iso your favourite character and why
(2) Email with your name and contact number (Subject: Disney & SMRT)
Most creative entries win! More details on
Do you want to build a Snowman? Or ride a bike across the hall? This cabin was so crowded I was reluctant to walk into it. Besides, I am a little sick of frost-bites with all these Let It Gos. *hahah* Whoops! But but but! There are these little girls that came dressed as Ana and Elsa that looked absolutely adorable! We had the badges *winks* Faye got herself a picture with Mr Rob Gilby, Managing Director of The Walt Disney Company (Southeast Asia) and Ms Dawn Low, Managing Director of SMRT's commercial arm.
Mr Gilby shared, "We thought, if you bring the two together, then you get a really enjoyable experience for everybody. For example, when Cinderella the movie is in theatres in March, we will synchronise it such that you go to the movies and see the movie, come out, then you come on to the SMRT train and you’re still with Cinderella wherever you go."
Right after we were done with the media session, the train took passengers immediately. Did you step into one today? I am thankful we are living right on the Circle Line. Ewan will be most delighted.
Do join the Disney & SMRT contest which ends on 31 December 2014.
(1) Tell us who iso your favourite character and why
(2) Email with your name and contact number (Subject: Disney & SMRT)
Most creative entries win! More details on
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A stay at home mum, blogging to widen her social life. We want to echo the sound of love through our lives to inspire other mothers alike.
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