

Today marked the last day of ChengZhu. It's not only Ewan's graduation day but mine too. I have learnt a lot of new words from these classes and I'd like to give mandarin a go in writing. It's going to be a tough one with me hating the language to the core!

在第一周里,我记得我玩到好累,不知该怎么熬过二十堂课。不过今天,我有一点不舍得回家。多么希望可以继续玩。我们在游乐场逗留了一会儿,溜一溜滑梯。亿文玩得很开心。他最喜欢吹泡泡、做手工和玩课室里的小枕头了。我这个妈妈最喜欢拍照留念。在这一堂课,手工留给了老师们来做。她们准备了彩色笔在宝宝的小脸孔上画了胡须,真可爱!李老师为亿文画了一个彩虹,太阳和小云。展现了这周的颜色 - 五颜六色!

I remember how tough the first week of ChengZhu was. Bouncing Ewan up and down, chasing after him and keeping up with the class took a toll on me (on my under-exercised body). I lamented about how I'd get through 20 classes when I can't even get past the first. Then again, today, I couldn't bear to leave. We stayed at the playground a little longer after class and played together. No more blue slides  and yellow tunnels for the next few months. Ewan loved his bubbles, handiwork and those little pillows in class. While I loved taking pictures of him and keeping track of his milestones.

In today's lesson, the toddlers didn't have any art to craft on. Instead, the teachers had a go with their art. They started drawing on our little babies' faces and made them look so adorable! There were rabbits, dragons and tigers in the room. I have requested for a rainbow, a sun and a cloud for Ewan instead - befitting the theme of this week which is the colours of a rainbow.



Oh yes! Not only does Ewan loves to play, he loves his food! We had a party in class today. Each parent is to bring a little something from the list below and we have chosen biscuits. Right after the little ones have their hands washed, they returned to their little chairs and waited to be served. I was surprised how patient they all were, unlike previous weeks. Especially mine who would have hollered and demanded for his snack. Well of course, the adults had some fun digging into popcorns, muffins and chicken wings as well. It was a party for everyone in the house after all!

亿文学会了说:谢谢、爱你、老师、饼干、再见、泡泡 、很美


After 20 classes, Ewan learnt to say Thank You, Love You, Teacher, Biscuit, Goodbye, Bubbles and Beautiful. As for myself, I've learnt many new words and songs too. Not only did we bag away with a wider vocabulary bank, I got the opportunity to observe Ewan's behaviour, personality, likes and dislikes. I understood him more as a mother and that's really something isn't it. I am also a bit more confident about using Mandarin now which is great! I am actually bursting with pride that I have written an entry in mandarin. *hahah*

The language is very important. Especially so when we are Chinese. It is a pity that Meyer and I never enjoyed studying Mandarin in school and couldn't wait to throw all our books away after O levels. In fact, I didn't even want to enter a Junior College because I had to study More Mandarin. English is our main conversing language at home and I am not able to deny that. We put our thoughts across much better than in Mandarin. However, I would like to cultivate a love for our mother tongue in this family. To do that, it is best to learn together and have fun as a whole. That is my goal.

陈老师、张老师和李老师,我们都会很想念妳们唱的歌。妳们的热诚带动了孩子和妈妈们学习的过程。孩子们真的能够感受到老师诚恳的爱与教导。亿文给陈老师一个拥抱。足足抱了她十秒。 我的心也被那情景溶化掉了。

谢谢妳们做了那么有意义的毕业典礼书。 每一个毕业点了书都有宝宝亲手做的手工。给父母做了一个很漂亮的纪念品。妳们的祝福我们也受到!也要谢谢代课的陈老师。只是代了一堂课,不过她没望了亿文。我们在走廊碰见了,陈老师还会叫一叫亿文的名字便跟他说几句话。谢谢妳的热诚和诚意。


Thank you teachers for your guidance, patience and love for the children (and for the adults). The best judges are the children. I saw Ewan giving Teacher Chen a hug last lesson and he hugged her for 10 seconds without letting her go. I was taken aback by that sight and at the same time, deeply moved.

The graduation piece the teachers have put up for each child is also very special. It consists of a series of art pieces made by the children themselves over the term. A very beautiful momento and especially for emotional mums like myself, I love it to the core!

During the course of this term, we had a relief teacher take took over one class. Teacher Chen, I'd like to thank her for her sincerity and genuine attempt to remember all the children in our class. She didn't have to because she was just substituting one lesson. Yet, when we saw each other at the playground or corridor, she never fails to stop and speak to Ewan. Most amazingly, she remembered his name.

Till the next time we meet, take care and Happy Teacher's Day. We hope to join the last 4 weeks of PlayNest's Term 4 when we return from Europe. That should be in Novemeber! Hope there will be one last slot for Ewan!

A stay at home mum, blogging to widen her social life. 
 We want to echo the sound of love through our lives to inspire other mothers alike.


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