A father is a daughter's first love and a son's first hero. I cannot agree more. It is a super heart-melter for scrapbooking. Just this June, I've seen this quote flying everywhere in Facebook and though I shudder at cliches, this one just sticks. I love it.
A daughter's First Love
I remember telling my father that I will grow up and marry him. Not only was he my first love, he was also my hero. I loved the suspense he created when he spun out ghost stories late at night, the cheap thrills of sitting me on his lap to park his car [a real car!], allowing me to fail because learning from experience is more important than passing with flying colours and signing my consent forms disallowing me to join school excursions because I preferred sleeping in on Saturdays. We had so much fun together, I wished he was home all the time but he was not. He was studying and working at the same time through my childhood. His work required him to travel and drink late into the nights as part of entertainment. I would have loved having him put me to bed but I know he enjoyed the partying as well. He wasn't the kind of perfect dad but we had fun every time we were together. I enjoyed the nights spent talking way past midnight with him and mum in their bedroom. It felt absolutely wholesome and he always set me thinking about things I've not thought about. My mother always reminded me, "Your father loves you very much. You must always be there for him, no matter what." and here I am.
He has now been upgraded to a grandfather! It has been a year now. Father's Day is a celebration of fatherhood and honouring fathers. Grandfathers alike. So here's a gift to grandpa from Ewan and I. Hope you like this little keepsake made from Ewan's 1 year old palms, 公公. It is a bookmark and it keeps your place in a book. It also keeps you reminded of Ewan's little heart, holding out to you in his palms.
Trace and test cut with scrap paper before cutting out the real thing |
Give the hollow heart a little colour |
Innovate the back of Ewan's palms with "grandpa" and "daddy" to make an "I Love You" |
To the daddy of Ewan, thank you for being as dedicated as you've been to your role as a father. You cannot stop whining about the lack of freedom and luxury you could be basking in. Yet, you shower your son with so much love, I cannot help but gloat. I love the way you check on Ewan when he sleeps, give him a kiss and come back to me saying, "Your son is so cute". You come home on time every day and make sure you leave work at work, so that we can have quality time together. Before I announce how special a dad you are to Ewan, I would like you to know that you have been a supportive husband. Thank you for taking the initiative to do the laundry, wash up the dishes after me, bathe Ewan as long as you are home and pour me a warm glass of water every night before bed. Though I know you have been laundering the clothes because you do not have any more work shirts in the wardrobe or wash the dishes because you do not want lizards and cockroaches to linger. What an up-to-my-neck mum I've been but thank goodness for you! You did not draw a line to our roles as woman and man. Our home is a shared responsibility and you recognised that. Yay!
You are our son's first hero. Yes, Ewan needs his mummy when it comes to milk and sleep but when play is here, no one gives him as much joy as you.
Ewan is always giving you his brightest smile. When he sees you, his eyes sparkle. He anticipates some kind of exciting play whenever you are around. Even when he is very tired, the sound of you saying "daddy is coming" will set him jumping with giggles. He will go totally berserk playing with you and I must say, very different from my plays with him. It doesn't bother you if he had a soaking wet diaper or if he was sleepy or even if he was sick. There's no rules of time with you (unlike mummy: inflexible) and that is why Ewan's so excited to have you around. Play is any time and any where with daddy. Even at 5am!
I recall one morning in March. Ewan woke up at 5 and was nothing close to sleepy. He was ready to kick-start a very early Sunday. Instead of grumbling, you decided to wash up and bring him to Botanic Gardens. I was so shocked by your enthusiasm that I got jolted off my drowsiness and joined you boys at the gardens too. I must say, it was a very peaceful and beautiful walk that morning with only the birds chirping while we waited for Mr Sun to come up.
This is your first Father's Day. Beam with pride because you've proven yourself worthy of a great father in the making. Here is Ewan and I crafting a keepsake for you. Your son broke the crayons in halves attempting the "We Love You" signature. He was very concentrated on this little task and made sure he held the crayon really tight. We are glad you figured out the heart shape of Ewan's little feet. These little feet will be growing bigger with each passing day. Let us walk with him and help him with life ahead.
Proud of our little artist. |
Ewan did the Crayons and Mum did the Penmanship |
Ewan's feet in Red Crayola Paint, attempting a Heart Shape |
We finished up this little project with a father and son picture |
A stay at home mum, blogging to widen her social life.
We want to echo the sound of love through our lives to inspire other mothers alike.
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