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Perspectives: PSLE Study Break Made Easier

Many would have deemed me foolish, brave or unsoundly chill to have made this decision on the fly to go for a 4 day 3 night staycation over the PSLE Study Break. I am certain my Instagram Stories became a hot topic amongst PSLE moms as screenshots of our stay surfaced on many WhatsApp Group Chats wondering if this PSLE Cooling Period activity came about because Ewan secured a spot in a Secondary School through DSA. Ewan did not get a DSA offer nor is he studying in a Primary School with an affiliated Secondary School. He did not outdo himself in Prelims at all either! He even asked me in the week of PSLE, "What's Trapezium again? Two parallel sides is it?" Does these all matter? Yes! Of course they all matter but yet, they shouldn’t.  We are doing this because... No 12 year old should be made to study like a 16.  No 12 year old should think that this is the hardest time of their life.  No 12 year old should have to mature beyond their age and forget they are still childre

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